
Asian Vegetarian Cooking -

Tempeh, Tofu and More....

Saigon, Vietnam 1993

Welcome to Tasty Tempeh - Adding Spice to your Cooking

Soy products don’t have to be dull and bland, especially when they can be spiced up with Asian flavors. I’ve created this website to share some of the ideas I’ve discovered to make vegetarian cooking more interesting and tasty. Everything here has an Asian flavor.

Recently, I’ve been using Tempeh more in dishes. This really is an outstanding food, with great taste and nutrition. I’ve taken some traditional Asian dishes and substituted tempeh for the usual animal ingredient. Tofu and other vegetarian dishes are also featured here.

I’d like to hear from others who are interested in this type of cooking. Let me know if you are interested in a particular dish shown here, and would like to see the recipe. Or maybe you would like to share some of your dishes or recipes on this site, and help to promote a vegetarian diet.

Ron Hartman      

Click Here to email me with any questions or comments.

© 1981-2022 Ron Hartman