

Tea Commune, Hang Chow, China, 1981

Recommended Cookbooks

Here are some cookbooks I have found helpful:

The Book of Tempeh, A Cultured Soyfood” and “The Book of Tofu & Miso”, by William Shurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi. Both books provide an incredible amount of detail about these ingredients, especially on how to to make tofu and tempeh at home.

Florence Lin’s Chinese Vegetarian Cookbook”. My first Chinese vegetarian cookbook, where some of the mysteries started to be revealed. Years ago, I took a cooking class with her, and it was amazing.

Authentic Chinese Cuisine for the Contemporary Kitchen” by Bryanna Clark Grogan. All vegan, with some interesting approaches to mock meats, dim sum and more.

"The Breath of the Wok" by Grace Young and Alan Richarson. Not a vegetarian cookbook, but so much information about woks. Especially interesting is the concept of wok hay, that illusive taste that woks can give to food.